Sales & Marketing

Sales board
Are you still trying to find common ground with you customers? Is the Dialog not smooth, or does it still need some fine tuning? Sales Board culminates with a final sales rehearsal before the actual show.
As a part of the Sales Board, we solve the basics of selling - from answering to customer needs with segmentation, to the features of your product. The core of the service is to bring you and your customer together in order to grow your sales.
You sell, our experts and your customers listen. Feedback will be instant, direct and honest, however, you will not lose your possibility to sell even if you forget some of your lines or if your sales pitch lacks a little emotion.
What kind of problems have your customers identified? How are or will the problems be solved? How does your customer's decision-making-process work? Above all, how can you make them buy your products specifically? How can you create trust between you and the customer, and induce the feeling of a good purchase in your customers?
We will find the answers to these and many other questions together during the Sales Board. The service fits especially companies that have a sellable product that want to quickly accumulate sales or want some new spark into their sales effort.

Strength and direction to sales and marketing
"My company will grow big and once it's grown-up it will become a huge, international power-house that makes profit to its shareholders - but how?" The pieces are falling into place, but sales and marketing are not your strengths. We will help your company to pick the right strategies and operations, as well as to create goals for your sales and marketing that are ambitious but also achievable.
First, however, we will map out and solve some fundamental questions together. Have you picked the right target group? Which question will you set out to solve, and how and why? What are the features of your product? Do they match the expectations of your customers? How can we develop the product to be closer to the expectations, wishes and needs of the market?
The service fits especially companies that want to increase their sales quickly and want to direct their marketing operations correctly in order to support the strategic goals of the company - with a product still in development or a whole revision of the product selection to pursue new growth.

Improving sales margin & Gross margin
Do you know how to improve your sales margin?
Sales is the key ingredient to any successful business operation which is why developing sales is Vital for any business. Improving sales margin is based on constant development and upgrading the Gross margin average. Our process to improve the sales margin includes Gathering of data, analysis, interviews and practical workshops. This thorough process helps to form a clear overview of the situation. The analysis digs deep into topics such as customer relationships, sales volume and the competitive situation. In order to make the implementation successful, the focus is largely on committing the key personnel to the set goals and actions.
Improving the sales margin and the Gross margin can also act as a starting point for projects such as strategy work or growth planning. The process of improving the sales margin provides a lot of useful information and understanding that can be benefited from in strategic work.

Market research
Is your company Pursuing new markets? The goal of market research is to identify potential market sectors and customer segments. We will help you identify your markets, potential customer segments and the customer needs in them, identify your customer, partner and distribution channels, clarify the size of the market, map out the competition and to picture the Trends.
Information regarding the market is needed for financing applications and Investor presentations. You will need this information for planning your business - you don't want to focus your resources on a market where you can't make long-term profits and thus fail your goals.
The investigation requires traditional information search and desk-work, but it can also include contacting potential customers (also internationally such as Central Europe or Scandinavia) in order to figure out customer needs and to test out value proposition.
The service is implemented by analyzing, discussing and utilizing the knowledge and know-how of our experts together with your company's representatives.

Interested? Contact us
Henrietta Karjalainen
Sales and marketing specialist
+358 50 536 7803
Henrietta Karjalainen
Sales and marketing specialist
+358 50 536 7803