ELY-services | Yrityskehitys
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ELY's Business Development Services


“The analysis service gives you an overview of the current state of your business and a clear development plan. The service is intended for SMEs that want to systematically develop their operations. ”

The duration of the analysis of ELY's productized services is 1-2 days and the price for the company is 260 EUR / day (VAT 0%).

At the same time, analysis is an easy-to-approach way to try out outside expert services to grow your business. An external expert brings his or her own experience to the development and offers new perspectives on the development areas of your company's operations.

Jukka Valkonen and Marko Sorri carry out analyzes in Business Development.

The service application process is made easy for the company and does not require multi-page plans. In the application, you briefly describe the activities of your company based on the questions asked by ELY.

The service packages to be implemented are always built based on the company's needs.


With a free mapping discussion , we can find out what kind of measures your service package could include. In our experience, even a mapping discussion can bring up new perspectives on development needs. So feel free to connect, let's talk!

For example, a five-day service package might look like this:

Situation analysis (1 day)

Cash management and financing options (2 days)

Action plan (2 days)

It is possible to implement the services efficiently in 2-3 weeks or in the longer term, for example in 2-3 months, according to the company's needs.


Pricing depends on the whole.

Feel free to contact us and we will tell you more!



“Business consulting services are intended for SMEs that have a strong desire to develop and evolve - as well as the prerequisites for it. The goal of the services is growth, renewal and efficiency. ”

The price of the consulting service for the company is 325 EUR / day (VAT 0%) and its duration is determined by the company's needs. The consultations are carried out in accordance with ELY's services. The content and priorities of the service are based on the development needs presented by the company.

Business Development Consulting service experts


The consulting service is implemented by the following Business Development experts:

Growth, internationalization and renewal

Erik Floman

Seppo Laine

Jukka Lassila

Marko Sorri

Kari Muhli

Jukka Valkonen


Marketing and customer relationships

Hanna Kallio

Jukka Valkonen

Hannu Tolvanen

Productivity and digitization

Kari Muhli

Commercialization of innovations

Erik Floman

Seppo Laine

Marko Sorri

The service application process is made easy for the company and does not require multi-page plans. If necessary, we will help you in the application process!

Management and staff

Hanna Kallio

Jukka Lassila

Check out our other services and team too!

Are you interested? Contact us

Jukka Lassila

Managing director

firstname.lastname@company development.com

050 1810

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