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Planning a round of funding

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Financing round planning:

1. Financial analysis

The financing round is started by conducting a company analysis to determine whether the company is eligible for financing. If the company is not yet ready for financiers and investors, the process will move to improve financing.

Otherwise, after the analysis, it is time to validate the financing need, ie to verify the company's financial plans. An assessment is made of the need for financing and it is determined which financial instrument will be applied for.


2. Creating a donor list

Identified and potential funders are gathered into a long list, from which the most suitable funders are sought. In the contact phase, these financiers who best meet the company's needs are prioritized.


3. Term sheet

The term sheet refers to entrepreneurs ’views on the terms of the money to be taken in. Prior to contacting or meeting financiers, the monetary and other conditions under which entrepreneurs are willing to take on external financing are precisely defined.


4. Construction of donor screening and presentation

A brand-specific teaser will be built for the company, which will be delivered to about 20–30 financiers in the initial contact. At the same time, a donor presentation is created, which is a visual and concise whole of about 15–20 minutes, which clearly shows what the company is doing, what kind of goals they have and how much funding they need.

Planning a financing round from € 3,600.

Implementation of the financing round

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Implementation of the financing round:

1. Donor contacts

The most potential financiers are contacted by e-mail and telephone. The aim is to arrange a meeting with the financiers to get to know the company in more detail and to hear what the financier could possibly bring to the activity in addition to the financial investment.


2. Donor meetings
The purpose of the financier meetings is to reassure the financier that it is worth investing in the company and that the value is in line with the findings. The expert supports the negotiations and gives his or her own views in advancing the negotiations. The expert helps to ensure that the company's interests are taken into account as well as possible in the transaction and the resulting shareholder agreement.


3. Signing
The culmination of the financing round is the signing of the share deed. The step itself is quite simple, but it should not be taken for granted.

Financier negotiations from € 4,800 + 3% success fee .


Things to note in financial round services:


Consider the possibility of using the ELY Centre's Business Development Services grant in planning the funding round. We will be happy to tell you more about this.

In principle, we recommend utilizing the design and implementation steps as a single package. Pricing shown in detail.

The financing round process naturally shapes depending on the needs and situation of the company. If there is a need, for example, to strengthen eligibility, to support actual financial discussions or to organize or conduct a funding round, our experts will be happy to act as additional assistance.


Are you interested? Contact us

Jukka Lassila

Managing director

firstname.lastname@company development.com

050 1810

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