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Development work during a disturbance

In an exceptional state, the business faces unexpected challenges and coping with them requires a lot from the company. However, by utilizing alternative financing, such as the ELY Centre's business development services consultation days or Business Finland's preliminary investigation and development assistance, the company can plan and implement measures that not only help in a crisis situation but also develop the company's operations for the future.

Utilizing an expert to find the right steps can bring up new options and opportunities. If necessary, we will help your company first apply for development funding and then create and implement plans.

Examples of services:


Situation analysis


  • A quick analysis of the whole company

  • Mapping the impact of the coronavirus epidemic on the company's business in the short term (2020)

  • Statement of the company's main sources of income and expenses - for example, personnel, contracts, purchasing services and rents


Cash management

  • Cost controlled and prompt scaling down

  • Negotiations with major creditors, partners or shareholders

  • Revision of the terms of other existing agreements and possible negotiations

  • Ensuring the adequacy of the cash register even after the measures

  • Exploring different options for additional financing (loans, guarantees, grants)

  • Securing revenue

The service packages to be implemented are always built based on the company's individual needs.

With a free mapping discussion , we can find out what kind of measures your service package could include. In our experience, even a mapping discussion can bring up new perspectives on development needs. So feel free to connect, let's talk!

For example, a five-day service package might look like this:

Situation analysis (1 day)

Cash management and financing options (2 days)

Action plan (2 days)

It is possible to implement the services efficiently in 2-3 weeks or in the longer term, for example in 2-3 months, according to the company's needs.


Pricing is determined depending on the whole, but for example, when utilizing ELY's Business Development Services consulting, the client's price for the entire five-day consultation is only € 150 in total!



  • Re-resourcing the organization to increase profitability and maintain operations that are vital to the company’s operations

  • Co-operation negotiations and lay-offs: communicating in problem situations and restoring resources as the crisis situation normalizes

  • Maintaining employee confidence

  • Support from the CEO and management to coping with a crisis situation

  • Mental well-being and support in making tough decisions


Action plan for the next 6 months or the end of the year

  • Weekly action plan to be updated as necessary for the month ahead

  • Plans for the next five months on a monthly basis

  • Definition of Must-win Battles

  • A support person appointed for the management of the company for a month who can be called

  • Identifying new business opportunities during an epidemic and re-opening the market afterwards - public support available!

  • Defining goals and communicating them to reach a consensus

  • Mapping risks and assessing the probability of their realization

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